Home Featured Oregon state legislature don pass 100% clean power bill

Oregon state legislature don pass 100% clean power bill

by riversonjournal

Na good news wey dey come from Oregon as dem lawmakers don yan say dem don pass one kain bill wey go make sure say all the power wey dem dey use for inside the state na clean power. Dis one mean say e no go get any kind of pollution or dirty energy for Oregon again.

No more dirty energy for Oregon people

E be like sey dis new law na better thing for di people of Oregon because e go helep to reduce di amount of pollution and wahala wey dey come from using dirty energy sources like coal and gas. Instead, dem go focus on renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, wey no fit cause any harm to di environment.

A step towards sustainable future

Dis decision by di Oregon state legislature show sey dem serious about protecting dia environment and securing a better future for dia pikin-dem. By making sure say all dia electricity come from clean sources, dem de take big step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change wahala.

Clean power bill: A win-win situation

This new law no just benefit di environment but e also bring plenty economic opportunities for di people of Oregon. As more investments enta renewable energy sector, plenty jobs go open up and local businesses go fit tap into dis market. Na win-win situation be dat!

In conclusion…

Oregon lawmakers deserve praise for passing dis 100% clean power bill as e show sey dia commitment to protect both dia citizens and their natural resources. Dem don set example for other states to follow so dat together, we fit achieve cleaner and greener future.

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